CALI was conceptualized in 2019 while addressing the needs of the micro-credit customers of CreditAccess Grameen and the realization dawned that the unbanked markets were majorly also uninsured. On more enquires, the facts were becoming visible on the dire need to address the basic problem of simple Insurance solutions for majority of Indian population.

In India, entire families depend on the breadwinners within the family like the son, daughter, the husband, the brother for their sustenance. They are the sole breadwinners in the family whose hours are spent worrying about their children's education, finding better homes, building better lives. Amidst such towering problems, their own lives become insignificant.

We can't replace a life lost. But we can certainly help the family remain resilient following the sole breadwinner's untimely death.

At CALI we want to put our expertise to good use to help bridge this critical protection gap prevailing in poor households.

CALI's promoters have been working closely with the rural and unorganized sector across Asia. Credit Access Grameen, which is today India’s largest MFI (Micro Finance Institution) have successfully enabled financial inclusion for more than its 40m customers. CreditAccess Life Insurance, the newbie in the Insurance industry, looks to leverage the strengths and existing relationships founded on strong trust and capabilities across India and thereby harbinger the Micro finance movement into the Insurance Industry.